Monday, March 30, 2009

Belief Item Three.....In support of the great commission “to go into all the world” with the good news of salvation through our belief in the life, death and resurrection of Yeshua Ha Messiach. Those who follow Him are prophets and priests. We are equipped and readied in all things by the work of the promised Holy Spirit which lives in each of us.

First.....We are saved by grace through the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth our Messiah sent by God his Father to atone for sin and bring us to eternal life by our belief in His resurrection victory. Paul summarized it quite well in 1st Corintians Chapter 15. We are now part of His glorious plan. Hallelujah!

Secondly.....Now that you have eternal life and you have met your Lord and Savior Yeshua/Jesus you have been given a task. Share the joy, share the love, share the good news!
Go into the mission field of your life and tell the wonderful story of how Yeshua has set you free from the bondage of sin. As Jesus said: "The fields are white for the harvest" - so do not tarry but be ye saints and scholars. Study to show yourselves approved in the handling of sound doctrine and truth. And go forth!

Thirdly... (is that a word?) ..... He tells us the "Holy Spirit" - the Ruach HaKodesh "will teach you all things." You do not need a degree in theology to save souls. Being obedient to the urging of the Holy Spirit will bare fruit as you tell your story. Remember that the Holy Spirit - the third member of the very Godhead of eternity lives within each of us who are saved by the blood of the Lamb and are baptised into His family. We have become saints - look at this; wearing garments washed white in the blood of the Lamb. (Rev 7:14).... HOW COOL IS THAT?

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