Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Belief Item Two......The church in its teachings should reflect the beliefs and character of Jesus/Yeshua in the context of his humanity as a Jew. He arrived here on earth in a miraculous way being born into the ancestral family of King David, son of Jacob to present his teachings, prove His authority and to birth and guide His church.

His earthly life and ministry were prophetic and included proof of who He was in wisdom, authority and miracles. Ultimately His sacrificial death on a cross defeated Satan and bought eternal salvation for all who would trust in Him. He was/is the long awaited Messiah of the Jews. The "Christian" church has adopted Him as Lord and Savior but for a variety of reasons has rejected proper and correct teachings which can only be understood through Jewish eyes and traditions.

As stated earlier, this blog ministry is ....."In support of and dissemination of teachings regarding the Hebraic roots of the “Christian” faith."

We cannot understand who we are until we understand who He was. His roots, His traditions, His teachings filtered through Jewish eyes are part of our heritage. Understanding His ancestry explains our “heart call” to Him as our Shepherd."

Hang around for awhile and you will see a miracle unfold in your own understanding. If you are "well read" in things of the bible you will discover that this miracle has been "hidden in plain view" awaiting a time such as this. I hope you will be inspired to teach other brothers and sisters as you learn.

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